As a former ABC News employee, I have to say...
... that I was utterly embarrassed by the network's handling of last night's debate -- though not terribly surprised. (See my note at the end of this diary.)Here is the email I just sent to Mr....
View ArticleAPOSTASY: Does Pennsylvania matter?
Like most Kossacks, I will be watching the results of today's primary with keen interest, checking in to Kos and The Field in particular for the latest results and analysis.But in truth, and no offense...
View ArticleThe schizophrenic Gray Lady (NYT)
Would the New York Times (a/k/a the "Gray Lady" in media circles) please make up its mind about the meaning of last night's results? Here is a sample of just a few wildly contradictory statements from...
View ArticleThe fundamental error every single pundit is making
This diary is about ice cream, cake and the current election. Stick around to find out what the relevance is...Every single pundit on TV and in the media is committing the identical error when they...
View ArticleMAKE A JOYFUL NOISE, KOSSACKS: Primary is over (if you want it)
He went boom-dadadadadadada, boom-dadadada!I'm just so elated tonight with Obama's stunning performance, all I can think to post is the most joyful song I've heard in the past few months -- Dr. Dog's...
View ArticleWhat Mark Penn would say about the WV primary...
... if he were on the Obama campaign payroll: West Virginia has less than 1% of the party's delegates; Fewer than 2/3 of West Virginians voted for Clinton, so she failed to meet expectations; Less than...
View ArticleLiveblogging the Edwards endorsement
Video link here, via the Times and Associated Press: in RealPlayer on my computer, at least.)
View ArticleQ & A: Hillary and nominating process "reform"
Over at MyDD, I've posted a diary which will probably get me flamed so heatedly I'll be reduced to ashes.I was responding to a post by site owner (and Kos vet) Jerome Armstrong, who wrote that:[...]...
View ArticleTOXIC: Josh Marshall slams Clinton's "breathtaking cynicism"
Over at Talking Points Memo, Josh Marshall just called out the Hillary Clinton campaign on the hypocrisy of its Florida/Michigan posturing:Sen. Clinton ... is embarking on a gambit that is uncertain in...
View ArticleLadies and gentleman: Finally some adult supervision
Clinton supporters Don Fowler and Alice Huffman have finally provided some adult supervision to the Hillary camp's rowdies.They have decided, at long last, to put party unity and victory in November...
View ArticleChildhood, touch football, and how Obama won
This diary is a personal story I've been meaning to tell for a long time. It's about what one childhood game of touch football several decades ago had in common the strategy that just won Barack Obama...
View ArticleIt's official: Hillary concedes... in email has the scoop: In an email to supporters, Hillary Clinton announces that she will concede to Barack Obama on Saturday morning in Washington, D.C., and endorse him as the Democratic...
View ArticleUPDATED: "Dean" Broder's corporate $$$ exposed by Harper's
Washington Post columnist David Broder, often referred to as the "dean" of the D.C. press corps, is a regular source of irritation and exasperation here, as he routinely dresses up Republican talking...
View ArticleBreaking the Rural Votes embargo: How to access Giordano's posts
During the long primary season, many here at Daily Kos came to appreciate (and link to) posts by Al Giordano, driving force in the "Authentic Journalism" movement, over at The Field. For much of that...
View ArticleGreat Obama slogan idea: One House. One Spouse
I know very well that short diaries are taboo here. But this one is too good not to share...I was reading Twitter updates, and ran across this great idea for a slogan for Obama:OBAMA: ONE HOUSE, ONE...
View ArticleTop 10 Reasons Why Palin is Wrong for America
I believe in politics, as in most of life, in addressing a situation head-on and nipping problems in the bud.Thanks to online communities like Kos, within minutes of the announcement of Governor Sarah...
View ArticleANALYSIS: Team Obama played it smart tonight.
Most people watch a debate hoping not merely to see our side "win," but also hoping to make mincemeat of the opposition. We want the other side to get so flustered that s/he stammers and gags and...
View ArticleLET JOE BE JOE: Stop concern trolling the debate
Going into the vice presidential debate tonight, we are hearing all manner of suggestions about how Joe Biden should comport himself. Most of these fall into the category of "concern trolling," a...
View ArticleWith Palin, there's no "there" there
A friend wondered why Sarah Palin so often inserts the word "there" gratuitously into her statements:"There was deception there...""Barack Obama though, another story there."Below is my off-the-cuff...
View ArticleMcCain's gambit: The arsonist turned firefighter
My old editor (at Suck) Ana Marie Cox has a post up at Time's Swampland blog describing sudden efforts by John McCain to tamp down the angry, terror-baiting comments from his violence-minded...
View ArticleCircular Firing Squad: McCain campaign in freefall (Politico)
Pure, unadulterated schadenfreude is coursing through my veins right now, having just finished reading this astonishing piece at about the complete meltdown of John McCain's...
View ArticleObama Can't Win: Worst Predictions of 2008
On Tuesday, November 4th, 2008, we the people proved the naysayers and doomsayers wrong.Predicting the future will always be a booming business. Veteran pollsters and pundits and consultants and...
View ArticleBest and Worst Pollsters of 2008 [chart]
So, after all that fuss, which pollster (or meta-poll analyst) was the most accurate on the eve of the November 4th election?I made the following chart to compare the election eve predictions of...
View ArticleHeritage Foundation cooks auto worker $$$ #s
As pointed out by Inky99 here and here, the popular right-wing meme that UAW workers make $70-plus per hour is nonsense. It's a carefully-constructed lie based on the kind of "fuzzy math" that George...
View ArticleBREAKING -- Thanksgiving is a Socialist plot
Thanksgiving is a Socialist plot. And I have conclusive proof to back that claim up... right after the jump.
View ArticleLieberman in Pearls: About that newly-minted N.Y. Senator
The following fact(oids) were collected from Time Magazine, Talking Points Memo, The New York Daily News, Albany Times-Union, Americablog, et al. If you believe any of them are in error, please provide...
View ArticleBlue Dog Gillibrand: Use $$$ to scare off opponents
Ever since I made an early $250 contribution to her first Congressional I have received constant fundraising pitches from Kirsten Gillibrand -- the New York State Blue Dog who accepted an appointment...
View ArticleBig Tobacco & The Blue Dog (NYT slams Gillibrand)
The quest of Blue Dog Kirsten Gillibrand (D-Amato) to survive a primary from the left and hold onto her Senate seat in 2010 just got a lot harder, as The New York Times blows the lid off her history...
View Article» Open Twitter Directory for Kossacks «
There have been a number of front-page articles and diaries about the use of Twitter by Kossacks. While some find Twitter annoying, I find it an efficient tool for keeping up-to-date with friends and...
View ArticleNY-Sen: Poll finds McCarthy ahead of Gillibrand
A poll released just yesterday (April 6th, 2009) by Quinnipiac finds that Paterson's appointee to replace Hillary Clinton as the junior Senator from New York, is slipping behind the only potential...
View Article{{ UPDATED x4 }} NY-20: Urgent distress call from Columbia County
MEDIA UPDATE: After initially shrugging off this story tip, the largest paper in our region, The Albany Times-Union, has come around with a decent report on the...
View ArticleNY-20: All purpose update thread
This just in:B R E A K I N GAllegations have surfaced that Tedisco is targeting Jewish absentee voters who received their ballots in New York City and Florida:Politico:Most of the action was taking...
View ArticleNY-20: Beware the "Pizza Stain" Judge
Many of us feel relatively confident of Scott Murphy's chances of winning the Congressional seat in NY-20. The numbers seem to stack up pretty well for the Democrat when one examines where the votes...
View ArticleNY-20: Nate Silver predicts solid Murphy win
UPDATE #2: Murphy's lead went from 168 down to 86 this afternoon, but that is actually very good news for the Democrat -- as these results now include the much-feared results from Tedisco stronghold...
View ArticleNY-20 !!!??! Down by 178 votes, Tedisco sues to be declared winner
(From the diaries. I don't think I've ever seen anything this insane -- kos)Just when you thought the Tedisco campaign's tactics couldn't get any more absurd here in the 20th Congressional District,...
View ArticlePurists vs. Apologists (w/HCR poll)
The health care reform bill (whose final form we have yet to see) puts all Good Demcrats in a bind.On the one hand, the bill would cure a whole host of major ills and abuses. On the other, it makes...
View ArticleTedisco Redux: Vote Suppression in New York [pics/poll]
Q: What do the following have in common?► A housebound 88-year-old woman ► The head writer for The Cosby Show ► A college student ► A man afflicted with Parkinson's disease ► The mother of a local...
View ArticleDean v. Obama [poll]
Here's the wild question I just spontaneously asked myself, without any premeditation, after reading a bunch of diaries here on Kos:"If Howard Dean ran against Barack Obama in a Democratic primary in...
View ArticleHelp me find the right word, Kossacks.
A friend from gradeschool (someone I knew as a physics and music prodigy) posted to his Facebook profile a few days ago:I think this country has lost its way.His lament struck a chord, and got me...
View ArticleWhenever I hear the word "pragmatic" ...
... my radar goes off and my guard goes up.As someone who has led several successful against-the-odds grassroots campaigns, I've often heard the admonishments that "Now, we have to be pragmatic..."...
View ArticleRemember that yellowcake? It was stale. And recycled.
NOTE:This diary probably won't get much attention, because it deals with a controversy that is several years old. But it addresses an important historical scandal, and also the right wing's ongoing bad...
View ArticleFOX falls for "mini-ice age" hoax
FOX News and other right-wing media outfits have been ecstatic the past couple of days over an article printed in the (U.K.) Daily Mail by David Rose, purporting to debunk global warming.The Daily Mail...
View ArticleGOP authoritarians just can't stand authority
ABOVE: Fred Thompson and two friends, protecting their most valued assetsEver notice how so-called "Law and Order" Republicans often have such trouble accepting the nature of authority as it has been...
View ArticleAnalyzing Dr. Laura's mass "appeal"
Back when I had a vintage car (1966 Mercury Park Lane, with the breezeway) which only had an old A.M. radio with bad reception, I'd sometimes get stuck listening to Dr. Laura.And as far as I could...
View ArticleLooky what Amazon sells (Wikileaks diary)
Earlier this week, Amazon pulled the plug on the files it was paid to host for Wikileaks. Explaining the rationale for their move, Amazon spokesman Drew Herdener told The Wall Street Journal...that...
View ArticleWhy the media isn't defending Wikileaks
Newsweek's Ben Adler has filed an important yet flawed analysis of the relationship between the U.S. media, Wikileaks, and the 1st Amendment right to freedom of the press.Adler's report is welcome in...
View Article10 things I learned today from right wing radio about Bin Laden's death
In which I listen to the reactions of Beck, Hannity, Savage, et al. regarding the demise of Osama Bin Laden -- so you don't have to...1) All the credit should go to Bush. 2) All the credit should go to...
View ArticleThe Banality of Evildoers
With apologies to Hannah Arendt; crossposted at This diary starts out tongue-in-cheek, but moves to a broader and more philosophical point.Though it was initially called a mansion,...
View ArticleFEMA! Tyranny! Tea Partiers forget Ollie North’s plan to suspend the...
Lost in the endless ranting by Glenn Beck and lesser Tea Party fanatics about “tyranny” and “protecting the Constitution” is this bit of history: Wingnut hero Oliver North was credibly alleged to be...
View ArticleWhy we should worry about metadata
As a progressive from the Northeast, it’s not often that I read opinion pieces by Republicans from the Dakotas. But while reading comments on a news site about the whole Nadler/CNET/NSA fracas, an...
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