As a former ABC News employee, I have to say...
... that I was utterly embarrassed by the network's handling of last night's debate -- though not terribly surprised. (See my note at the end of this diary.)Here is the email I just sent to Mr....
View ArticleAPOSTASY: Does Pennsylvania matter?
Like most Kossacks, I will be watching the results of today's primary with keen interest, checking in to Kos and The Field in particular for the latest results and analysis.But in truth, and no offense...
View ArticleThe schizophrenic Gray Lady (NYT)
Would the New York Times (a/k/a the "Gray Lady" in media circles) please make up its mind about the meaning of last night's results? Here is a sample of just a few wildly contradictory statements from...
View ArticleThe fundamental error every single pundit is making
This diary is about ice cream, cake and the current election. Stick around to find out what the relevance is...Every single pundit on TV and in the media is committing the identical error when they...
View ArticleMAKE A JOYFUL NOISE, KOSSACKS: Primary is over (if you want it)
He went boom-dadadadadadada, boom-dadadada!I'm just so elated tonight with Obama's stunning performance, all I can think to post is the most joyful song I've heard in the past few months -- Dr. Dog's...
View ArticleWhat Mark Penn would say about the WV primary...
... if he were on the Obama campaign payroll: West Virginia has less than 1% of the party's delegates; Fewer than 2/3 of West Virginians voted for Clinton, so she failed to meet expectations; Less than...
View ArticleLiveblogging the Edwards endorsement
Video link here, via the Times and Associated Press: in RealPlayer on my computer, at least.)
View ArticleQ & A: Hillary and nominating process "reform"
Over at MyDD, I've posted a diary which will probably get me flamed so heatedly I'll be reduced to ashes.I was responding to a post by site owner (and Kos vet) Jerome Armstrong, who wrote that:[...]...
View ArticleTOXIC: Josh Marshall slams Clinton's "breathtaking cynicism"
Over at Talking Points Memo, Josh Marshall just called out the Hillary Clinton campaign on the hypocrisy of its Florida/Michigan posturing:Sen. Clinton ... is embarking on a gambit that is uncertain in...
View ArticleLadies and gentleman: Finally some adult supervision
Clinton supporters Don Fowler and Alice Huffman have finally provided some adult supervision to the Hillary camp's rowdies.They have decided, at long last, to put party unity and victory in November...
View ArticleChildhood, touch football, and how Obama won
This diary is a personal story I've been meaning to tell for a long time. It's about what one childhood game of touch football several decades ago had in common the strategy that just won Barack Obama...
View ArticleIt's official: Hillary concedes... in email has the scoop: In an email to supporters, Hillary Clinton announces that she will concede to Barack Obama on Saturday morning in Washington, D.C., and endorse him as the Democratic...
View ArticleUPDATED: "Dean" Broder's corporate $$$ exposed by Harper's
Washington Post columnist David Broder, often referred to as the "dean" of the D.C. press corps, is a regular source of irritation and exasperation here, as he routinely dresses up Republican talking...
View ArticleBreaking the Rural Votes embargo: How to access Giordano's posts
During the long primary season, many here at Daily Kos came to appreciate (and link to) posts by Al Giordano, driving force in the "Authentic Journalism" movement, over at The Field. For much of that...
View ArticleGreat Obama slogan idea: One House. One Spouse
I know very well that short diaries are taboo here. But this one is too good not to share...I was reading Twitter updates, and ran across this great idea for a slogan for Obama:OBAMA: ONE HOUSE, ONE...
View ArticleTop 10 Reasons Why Palin is Wrong for America
I believe in politics, as in most of life, in addressing a situation head-on and nipping problems in the bud.Thanks to online communities like Kos, within minutes of the announcement of Governor Sarah...
View ArticleANALYSIS: Team Obama played it smart tonight.
Most people watch a debate hoping not merely to see our side "win," but also hoping to make mincemeat of the opposition. We want the other side to get so flustered that s/he stammers and gags and...
View ArticleLET JOE BE JOE: Stop concern trolling the debate
Going into the vice presidential debate tonight, we are hearing all manner of suggestions about how Joe Biden should comport himself. Most of these fall into the category of "concern trolling," a...
View ArticleWith Palin, there's no "there" there
A friend wondered why Sarah Palin so often inserts the word "there" gratuitously into her statements:"There was deception there...""Barack Obama though, another story there."Below is my off-the-cuff...
View ArticleMcCain's gambit: The arsonist turned firefighter
My old editor (at Suck) Ana Marie Cox has a post up at Time's Swampland blog describing sudden efforts by John McCain to tamp down the angry, terror-baiting comments from his violence-minded...
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